
MTG Arena – Standard Kaldheim Mono Red with Fiery Emancipation, Sundering Stroke & Goldspan Dragon

MTG Arena – Standard Kaldheim Mono Red with Fiery Emancipation, Sundering Stroke & Goldspan Dragon

Its as simple as throwing critical burn spells to your opponent. Use the Shocks and Storm’s Wrath to control the board and get rid of your opponent’s creatures. Gain more mana via Irencrag Feat or Solemn Simulacrum or Goldspan dragon through its ability creating treasure tokens. Kill your opponent with Sundering Stroke and other burn …

MTG Arena – Standard Kaldheim Mono Red with Fiery Emancipation, Sundering Stroke & Goldspan Dragon Read More »

MTG Arena - Original Kaldheim Standard Deck Esper Control with Ashiok, Ugin, Kaya and Dream Trawler

MTG Arena – Original Kaldheim Standard Deck Esper Control with Ashiok, Ugin, Kaya and Dream Trawler

Standard Kaldheim Esper Control Deck, How do you pilot this. Right timing on the usage of kill spells and counter spells. As long as you don’t get mana screwed, You are good to go. This deck has a number of board wipes so you need not worry about being overwhelmed by creatures in the later …

MTG Arena – Original Kaldheim Standard Deck Esper Control with Ashiok, Ugin, Kaya and Dream Trawler Read More »

MTG Arena – Kaldheim Azorious Standard Bird Deck with Raven’s Warning and Dream Trawler

MTG Arena – Kaldheim Azorious Standard Bird Deck with Raven’s Warning and Dream Trawler

Well, Are you a bird lover? This deck is for you. It’s a fun azorious aggro deck but it can be competitive too. Cast and Bash with the small birds like Battlefield Raptor or turn them into angels with Angelic Ascension. You can hit them hard with Skycat Sovereign and Watcher of the Spheres as …

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MTG Arena – Standard Orzhov Kaldheim Angel Control Deck with Firja’s Retribution & Rampage of the Valkyries

MTG Arena – Standard Orzhov Kaldheim Angel Control Deck with Firja’s Retribution & Rampage of the Valkyries

Kaldheim brought back the angels and since I love Control decks; Why not make an Angel control deck. So here it is. Bringing in Doomskar and some boardwipes, our aim is to clear the battlefield then launch the attack of your angel tokens with Firja’s Retribution and Rampage of the Valkyries, blinking them with Yorion …

MTG Arena – Standard Orzhov Kaldheim Angel Control Deck with Firja’s Retribution & Rampage of the Valkyries Read More »

MTG Arena – Standard Deck – Black and White Control Deck with Baneslayer Angel and Ugin

Orzhov Control Deck with a lots of removals, discard and exile cards. It’s a hate deck. Take out your opponent’s creature then kill him/her with a Baneslayer or Ugin or Emeria’s Call Angel Tokens. Simple as that! Decklist Creatures3x – Baneslayer Angel Non-Creatures3x – Bloodchief’s Thirst2x – Cling to Dust3x – Birth of Meletis3x – …

MTG Arena – Standard Deck – Black and White Control Deck with Baneslayer Angel and Ugin Read More »